Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Round 2: Presentation (10-10-10 GOLDEN RULES)

Send in your presentation powerpoint to our Competition official Jeslyn email: jes_seow@yahoo.com
Your team would have to dress formal and follow these 10-10-10 rules, which is that your powerpoint cannot be more than 10mb and has to be sent to us by 30 March, 10 short points only to present, talk, answer questions within 10 minutes or less. Bonus points will be awarded for keeping to the rules.
National Design Center, 111 Middle Road, Auditorium 2nd Floor

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Squatters Relocation in Jakarta (ongoing)

Children at the Marunda housing complex in North Jakarta. About one-third of the estimated 3,000 people living in the Kalijodo red-light district were moved to two of 27 blocks of government flats in Marunda. Yesterday, some 5,000 soldiers, police officers and public service officers cleared out the remaining occupants in Kalijodo. The police helped some residents to move their belongings in a police truck.ST PHOTO: ARLINA ARSHAD
             source: http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/a-hint-of-hdb-in-jakartas-new-estates

2003,2009,2015 - Heightened Secuirty in Jakarta

They are everywhere, checkpoints and searches and more due to threats and incidents. Security is big and serious business in Jakarta, kudo's to the Men & Women in Uniform keeping the streets safe!
Indonesian policewoman, Brigadier Handayani (R), reports on the traffic situation for a program by the Indonesian National Traffic Management Center (NTMC), a unit belonging to Indonesia's National Police in Jakarta on February 27, 2012. AFP PHOTO / ADEK BERRY  February 27, 2012| Credit: ADEK BERRY