Saturday, 1 August 2015

Talent Time Jakarta ! 2016 Competition

Jakarta, the seat of power and talent, encapsulates the Indonesian spirit of "many yet one." Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of thousands of beautiful islands, rich in natural resources and diverse in culture. Formerly Batavia, capital city of the Dutch East Indies (1619–1949), the wealth of the city grew with the spice trade. Jakarta's influence and boundaries extend well beyond its physical area over the 252 million population of the entire nation. Religious institutions, Political parties,  Local Conglomerates, foreign multi national corporations, civil society and more jostle and interact in the city, as done for centuries.   Talent is abundant and matching talent to opportunities are what cities are ordained for. The higher calling is to elevate societal well-being whist empowering and improving oneself over time. Jakarta, has seen rapid progress recently with fresh political energy and confidence. Innovation, entrepreneurship and start ups thrive in such an upswing in any economy, especially with a great hinterland and relatively affordable costs. It's Talent Time! for Jakarta

This year's competition highlight is on creating hard and soft infrastructure to nurture and grow Talent. Innovation centers, research & development, entrepreneur hubs and more are needed urgently. Building on current wave of enterprise and "get-go" spirit, the task at hand is to think through processes and networks that can nurture Talent, then to build supporting structures (physical or non-physical) to enable it. Jakarta is getting to be future ready, and well poised to do so in the very near term. Many talents one purpose for growth and well being!

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