Sunday, 9 December 2012

Integrated approach vital in facing urbanisation challenges

KUALA LUMPUR: In recognising the complexities of urbanisation challenges, government agencies, policymakers and industry players are formulating a more integrated approach to address the components of water, environment, waste and city planning solutions in a more holistic way.

Given the urgent need for cities around the world to address pressing urbanisation challenges, many multinational companies that are involved in urban solutions, water and waste industries are also moving into this space to provide modern integrated solutions, which are expected to be a major growth sector in future.

“Among developing economies in East Asia and the Pacific, Indonesia is the most
urbanised at 54%, and over the past four decades it had the fastest annual rate of urbanisation, which is about 4.2%.

“The spatial structure of urban growth and development will critically shape the rate and quality of economic growth over the next 15 years and this structure will determine the quality of life for urban dwellers.

Focusing on green initiatives and sustainability in the domestic front, Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) senior vice president Boyd Dionysius Joeman said IRDA must play its part in ensuring that Iskandar Malaysia development region in southern Johor is developed in a sensible, timely and sustainable manner. Read more......

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