Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Finals - JUDGES

Urban Planners!
If your team does well and manage to secure a spot in the Finals, then here are the judges that you have to impress!

Mr.Tay Lim Heng
CEO, Keppel Integrated Engineering

Professor Tan Wee Hin, Leo
DBS Director(Special Projects); Professor at Faculty of Science NUS

Professor Pang Eng Fong            
Professor of Management at SMU

Mr.William Henry Clune                
Asst.Director, Sustainable Earth Office, NTU

Mr.Dinesh Naidu                         
Manager, Centre for Liveable Cities

Dr.Sharon Siddique
Director, Sreekumar Siddique
We wish all finalist the best of luck!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Guidelines for Semi-Finals Multi-Media Presentation

Semi-Final: Multi-Media Proposal Presentation Guidelines  
  1. Focus   > Ideas and points are very clear and consistent
  2. Organisation  > The sequence is very clear and logical
  3. Evidence & Elaboration   > Abundant evidence and oral elaboration
  4. Style   > Layout, font type and colours are very attractive, consistent and appropriate for the purpose. >  Images/video/audio clip added tremendous clarification to the issue
  5. Language  > Tense, grammar and word choice are precise
  6. Presentation Skills  > Always elaborate on the points.  > Never falter when responding to questions from the judges.