Saturday, 11 June 2011

Activistar's Past Talks, Workshops and Foreign Study Programs

Activistar has been active in conducting talks, workshops and study programs on sustainable developments and living.

19 Feb 2011

Town Planning Study Programs for Foreign Delegates
An opportunity presented by World Bank for Activistar to welcome a delegation of 36 from the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners who were in Singapore to learn about Town Planning. Our team had successfully organised a 5 full day city planning study program for the delegates who were ranged from ministers from municipalities, town planners in government sectors to private town planning practioners. Topics included public housing, transportation, parks, water management, urban security and more.

22 March 2011

Sustainable Development Workshops for Students
Activistar was invited by UNLV(University of Las Vegas Nevada) to give a short workshop to its students on Sustainable Developement. Conducting this workshop which was more focused on sustainable hotel & resort developments all over the world to students majoring in the hospitality industry, our trainers had presented on the relationship resorts/hotels have over the environment and eco systems as well as best practices in hotel developments.

26 May 2011

Talk At GreenDrinks SingaporeActivistar was invited by GreenDrinks Singapore to give a talk on green energy living. Activistar together with partner Sunlabob shared their work on off-grid living. Remote villages in Southeast Asia which do not have access to conventional sources of power and water have to depend on alternative sources such as wind and solar as well as water filtration systems. The crowd gained new insights into living on alternative energy where we in Singapore have taken for granted.

Friday, 3 June 2011

ASSEMBLY is proud to announce UCLG as endorser of Planning a Clean & Green Township

United Cities & Local Governments Asia Pacific(UCLG ASPAC) is a worldwide association of local government organisations recognised by the UN. The Asia Pacific region is the biggest of the 8 sections in UCLG with linkages to more than 7,000 local governements.

ASSEMBLY is proud to welcome UCLG as our endorser to our competition which is about designing and creating sustainble townships.

In designing new townships of reinventing old ones, private sector works very closely with the local governments to ensure that all factors are met to facilitate the sustainable growth of population in these townships.